The "Ekrens" 2D opening showsat least 4-4 in the major suits and 3-10 HCP. The opening bid is made by Bjørn Olav Ekren, Norway. "Ekrens" is first of all a preempt convention, but some restriction should be made. Maximum 5-5. With 4-4 you should not have an invitational hand against 1NT opening.

Response to 2D 2H : To play. 2S : To play. 2NT : forcing. 3C : To play. 3D : invitationalt with 3-3 in the major suit. 3H : Preempt. 3S : Preempt.

2D-2NT 3C : Minimum. 3D : 5-5 in the major suit. 3H : 5 Hearts & 4 Spades. Max. 3S : 5 Spades & 4 Hearts. Max. 3NT : 4-4 and max.

2D-2NT 3C-3H/3S: invitational.

2D-2NT 3C-3D: Relay. 3H : 5 Hearts & 4 Spades. 3S : 5 Spades & 4 Hearts. 3NT : 4-4 in the major suit.

2D-2NT 3D-3H/3S: Slam invitational.

Thanks to Johan at johan.wahlberg@pcexpress.se for submitting this convention.